How to Sell Commissions on Etsy

How to Sell Commissions on Etsy

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Selling commissions on Etsy can be a rewarding way for artists to monetize their skills and connect with clients seeking custom artwork. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of setting up, managing, and growing a successful commission-based business on Etsy.

Understanding Commissions on Etsy

Commissions are custom-made artworks or products created specifically for a client based on their requirements. On Etsy, commissions can range from digital illustrations and paintings to handcrafted jewelry and personalized home decor items.

Setting Up Your Etsy Shop for Commissions

1. Create Your Etsy Account and Shop

If you haven’t already, start by setting up your Etsy account and shop:

  • Go to and click “Sign in” then “Register”
  • Fill out your account details
  • Click “Open your Etsy shop”
  • Follow the prompts to set up your shop preferences, policies, and payment information

2. Craft Your Shop Policies

Clear policies are crucial for commission-based businesses. Include information on:

  • Turnaround times
  • Revision policies
  • Payment terms (e.g., deposits, installments)
  • Cancellation and refund policies
  • Copyright and usage rights

3. Create Commission Listings

Unlike regular product listings, commission listings require special consideration:

  • Set up your listing as a physical product, not a digital download
  • Use clear, descriptive titles (e.g., “Custom Pet Portrait Commission – Digital Illustration”)
  • Provide detailed descriptions of your commission process
  • Use high-quality images showcasing examples of your work
  • Set your prices to reflect the time and skill involved in creating custom work

4. Use Variations for Different Commission Options

Utilize Etsy’s variation feature to offer different commission options:

  • Size options (e.g., 8×10″, 11×14″, 16×20″)
  • Medium choices (e.g., watercolor, oil paint, digital)
  • Number of subjects (e.g., single portrait, couple, family)
  • Turnaround time options (e.g., standard, rush)

Managing Commission Orders

1. Communication with Clients

Clear and prompt communication is key to successful commissions:

  • Respond to inquiries within 24 hours if possible
  • Ask detailed questions about the client’s vision and requirements
  • Provide regular updates throughout the creation process
  • Be clear about timelines and any potential delays

2. Collecting Reference Materials

Ensure you have all necessary reference materials before starting:

  • Request high-quality photos or sketches from the client
  • Clarify any specific details or preferences
  • Discuss color schemes, styles, and any other relevant aspects of the commission

3. Creating and Revising the Artwork

Follow a structured process for creating commissioned work:

  • Start with rough sketches or concepts for client approval
  • Provide progress updates at key stages
  • Offer a set number of revisions (as specified in your policies)
  • Be open to feedback while also guiding clients with your expertise

4. Delivering the Final Product

Once the commission is complete:

  • For digital commissions, send high-resolution files in agreed-upon formats
  • For physical artwork, ensure proper packaging and shipping
  • Include care instructions or any relevant information about the piece
  • Follow up with the client to ensure their satisfaction

Marketing Your Commission Services

1. Optimize Your Etsy SEO

Improve your visibility in Etsy search results:

  • Use relevant keywords in titles, tags, and descriptions
  • Update your shop sections and categories regularly
  • Encourage reviews from satisfied clients

2. Showcase Your Process

Build trust and interest by sharing your creative journey:

  • Use Etsy’s video feature to show time-lapses of your work
  • Share before-and-after comparisons in your listings
  • Create an “About” section that highlights your skills and experience

3. Utilize Social Media

Expand your reach beyond Etsy:

  • Share work-in-progress shots on Instagram or TikTok
  • Create Pinterest boards showcasing your commission examples
  • Use Facebook or LinkedIn to network with potential clients

4. Offer Limited-Time Promotions

Generate interest and urgency:

  • Run seasonal commission specials (e.g., holiday portraits)
  • Offer early-bird discounts for advance bookings
  • Create bundle deals for multiple commissions

Legal Considerations for Commission-Based Businesses

1. Intellectual Property Rights

Clearly define the rights associated with your commissioned work:

  • Specify whether you retain copyright of the artwork
  • Outline any usage rights granted to the client
  • Consider offering different licensing options at various price points

2. Contracts and Agreements

Protect yourself and your clients with clear agreements:

  • Use Etsy’s messaging system to document all terms
  • Consider using a formal contract for high-value commissions
  • Clearly state your policies regarding revisions, cancellations, and refunds

3. Tax Obligations

Stay compliant with tax regulations:

  • Keep accurate records of all commission income and expenses
  • Understand your obligations for reporting income from Etsy sales
  • Consider consulting with a tax professional for specific advice

Scaling Your Commission Business

1. Streamline Your Process

As you grow, look for ways to increase efficiency:

  • Create templates for common commission types
  • Develop a standardized questionnaire for clients
  • Use project management tools to track multiple commissions

2. Expand Your Offerings

Consider diversifying your commission services:

  • Offer different styles or mediums
  • Introduce new product categories (e.g., from portraits to book illustrations)
  • Collaborate with other artists for more complex projects

3. Build a Team

If demand exceeds your capacity, consider:

  • Hiring assistants for non-artistic tasks
  • Collaborating with other artists
  • Outsourcing certain aspects of your business (e.g., customer service, shipping)

Handling Challenges in Commission Work

1. Managing Client Expectations

Set clear expectations from the start:

  • Provide detailed timelines and process descriptions
  • Be upfront about limitations and potential challenges
  • Use examples of past work to illustrate your style and capabilities

2. Dealing with Difficult Clients

Prepare strategies for handling challenging situations:

  • Remain professional and calm in all communications
  • Document all interactions and agreements
  • Be willing to compromise when appropriate, but also know when to stand firm

3. Balancing Creativity and Client Desires

Find the right balance between artistic vision and client satisfaction:

  • Educate clients about your creative process and expertise
  • Offer suggestions and alternatives when client requests are challenging
  • Be open to new ideas while staying true to your artistic style

Continuous Improvement and Growth

1. Seek Feedback

Regularly ask for feedback to improve your services:

  • Send follow-up surveys to clients after completing commissions
  • Analyze reviews and comments for areas of improvement
  • Stay open to constructive criticism and use it to refine your process

2. Stay Updated on Trends

Keep your skills and offerings relevant:

  • Follow industry trends and emerging techniques
  • Attend workshops or online courses to expand your skillset
  • Experiment with new styles or mediums to attract diverse clients

3. Network with Other Artists

Build relationships within the Etsy and broader artistic community:

  • Join Etsy teams related to your niche
  • Participate in online forums and social media groups for artists
  • Attend local art events or craft fairs to connect with peers


Selling commissions on Etsy can be a fulfilling and profitable venture for artists willing to put in the effort to create a structured, professional service. By focusing on clear communication, high-quality work, and excellent customer service, you can build a thriving commission-based business on the platform.

Remember that success in commission work often comes from a combination of artistic skill, business acumen, and interpersonal abilities. Continuously refine your processes, stay adaptable to client needs, and always strive to deliver work that exceeds expectations.

As you grow your commission business on Etsy, don’t forget to celebrate your successes and learn from your challenges. Each completed commission is not just a sale, but an opportunity to create something unique and meaningful for your clients while developing your skills as an artist and entrepreneur.

With dedication, creativity, and a commitment to excellence, you can turn your passion for art into a successful commission-based business on Etsy, connecting with clients worldwide and bringing their visions to life through your unique artistic talents.

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