How to Sell Drawings on Etsy

How to Sell Drawings on Etsy

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Selling your artwork on Etsy can be an excellent way to turn your passion for drawing into a profitable business. With over 81 million active buyers, Etsy provides artists with a massive platform to showcase and sell their creations. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know to successfully sell your drawings on Etsy.

Getting Started on Etsy

Setting Up Your Etsy Shop

To begin selling on Etsy, you’ll need to create a shop. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to and click “Sell on Etsy” in the top right corner.
  2. Click “Open your Etsy shop”
  3. Set your shop preferences (language, country, currency)
  4. Choose a unique shop name
  5. Add listings (we’ll cover this in detail later)
  6. Set up billing and payment methods

When choosing your shop name, pick something memorable that reflects your brand and artwork style. Make sure it’s not already taken and easy to spell.

Optimizing Your Shop’s Appearance

First impressions matter, so take time to optimize your shop’s appearance:

  1. Create a compelling shop banner and logo that showcase your artistic style
  2. Write an engaging shop announcement to welcome visitors
  3. Craft a detailed “About” section telling your story as an artist
  4. Set up clear shop policies regarding shipping, returns, and custom orders

Use high-quality images throughout your shop to create a professional and cohesive look.

Creating Listings for Your Drawings

Photographing Your Artwork

High-quality photos are crucial for selling artwork online. Follow these tips:

  1. Use natural lighting when possible
  2. Capture multiple angles and close-up details
  3. Show scale by including props like a pencil next to the drawing
  4. Consider lifestyle shots showing the artwork framed or displayed
  5. Edit photos for consistent brightness and color balance

Remember, your photos are the only way for customers to experience your art online, so make them count.

Writing Effective Listing Titles and Descriptions

Your listing title and description help potential buyers find and understand your artwork:

  1. Use descriptive keywords in your title (e.g., “Original Charcoal Portrait Drawing – 11×14 Inch Realistic Face Sketch”)
  2. Front-load important words in your title
  3. In the description, provide details about:
    • Medium used (pencil, charcoal, ink, etc.)
    • Paper type and size
    • Subject matter and inspiration
    • Whether it’s an original or print
  4. Mention any unique selling points or techniques used
  5. Include care instructions for the artwork

Be thorough but concise in your descriptions to give buyers all the information they need.

Pricing Your Drawings

Pricing artwork can be challenging. Consider these factors:

  1. Cost of materials
  2. Time spent creating the piece
  3. Your skill level and experience
  4. Market rates for similar artwork
  5. Etsy fees (listing fee, transaction fee, payment processing fee)

Research other Etsy shops selling similar drawings to gauge appropriate pricing. Don’t undervalue your work, but also be realistic about what buyers are willing to pay.

Marketing Your Etsy Shop

Optimizing for Etsy Search

To improve your visibility in Etsy search results:

  1. Use relevant keywords in titles, tags, and descriptions
  2. Utilize all 13 available tags for each listing
  3. Keep your shop active by adding new listings regularly
  4. Encourage reviews from satisfied customers
  5. Use attributes to help categorize your drawings

Etsy’s search algorithm favors shops with complete information and positive customer experiences.

Leveraging Social Media

Social media can be a powerful tool for driving traffic to your Etsy shop:

  1. Choose platforms that align with your target audience (e.g., Instagram for visual art)
  2. Share behind-the-scenes content of your drawing process
  3. Post regularly and engage with followers
  4. Use relevant hashtags to increase discoverability
  5. Run occasional promotions or giveaways to boost engagement

Consider using Instagram’s shoppable posts feature to tag your Etsy listings directly in your photos.

Utilizing Etsy’s Promotional Tools

Etsy offers several built-in promotional features:

  1. Etsy Ads: Pay-per-click advertising within Etsy search results
  2. Sales and coupons: Offer discounts to attract buyers
  3. Etsy Plus: A paid subscription offering additional promotional tools
  4. Etsy Teams: Join groups of sellers for support and cross-promotion

Experiment with these tools to see which ones work best for your shop.

Providing Excellent Customer Service

Communication and Responsiveness

Good communication is key to customer satisfaction:

  1. Respond to messages promptly (within 24 hours if possible)
  2. Be friendly and professional in all interactions
  3. Provide clear information about processing times and shipping
  4. Offer to answer any questions about your artwork

Remember, happy customers are more likely to leave positive reviews and make repeat purchases.

Packaging and Shipping

Proper packaging ensures your drawings arrive safely:

  1. Use sturdy packaging materials (tubes for larger drawings, flat mailers for smaller pieces)
  2. Include a protective layer (acid-free tissue paper or clear sleeve)
  3. Add a thank you note or business card
  4. Consider offering insurance for higher-value items

Be transparent about shipping costs and processing times in your listings.

Handling Custom Orders

Custom drawings can be a great way to increase sales:

  1. Clearly outline your custom order process in your shop policies
  2. Communicate details and expectations upfront
  3. Consider charging a deposit for custom work
  4. Provide progress updates to the customer
  5. Be clear about revision policies

Custom orders allow you to build relationships with buyers and create unique pieces.

Growing Your Etsy Business

Expanding Your Product Line

To attract more customers and increase sales:

  1. Offer drawings in various sizes and price points
  2. Consider selling both originals and prints
  3. Experiment with different mediums (pencil, charcoal, ink, etc.)
  4. Create themed collections or series of drawings
  5. Offer complementary products (e.g., greeting cards featuring your artwork)

Diversifying your offerings can help you appeal to a wider range of customers.

Analyzing Your Shop Statistics

Etsy provides valuable data to help you improve your shop:

  1. Monitor which listings are most popular
  2. Track where your traffic is coming from
  3. Analyze conversion rates and adjust pricing if needed
  4. Identify seasonal trends to inform your product strategy
  5. Use this data to inform future drawing subjects and styles

Regularly reviewing your shop stats can help you make informed decisions about your business.

Continuous Improvement

To stay competitive and grow your business:

  1. Regularly update your shop with new drawings
  2. Refine your photography and listing descriptions
  3. Stay current with Etsy’s policies and best practices
  4. Seek feedback from customers and fellow artists
  5. Invest in developing your artistic skills

Remember, running an Etsy shop is an ongoing process of learning and adaptation.

Legal and Financial Considerations

Copyright and Intellectual Property

Protect your artwork and respect others’ rights:

  1. Understand copyright laws as they apply to your drawings
  2. Use watermarks on digital images to prevent unauthorized use
  3. Be cautious when creating fan art or using reference photos
  4. Consider registering copyright for significant original works

If you’re unsure about legal issues, consult with an intellectual property lawyer.

Taxes and Accounting

Stay organized with your finances:

  1. Keep detailed records of income and expenses
  2. Set aside money for taxes (consult a tax professional for guidance)
  3. Consider using accounting software to track your business finances
  4. Understand your tax obligations, including sales tax requirements

Proper financial management is crucial for the long-term success of your Etsy shop.


Selling drawings on Etsy can be a rewarding way to share your art with the world while earning income. Success requires a combination of artistic skill, business acumen, and perseverance. By following the strategies outlined in this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to start and grow your Etsy shop selling drawings.

Remember, building a successful Etsy business takes time and effort. Stay patient, continue creating beautiful artwork, and focus on providing value to your customers. With dedication and the right approach, you can turn your passion for drawing into a thriving online business on Etsy.

Citations: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]