How to Sell in Person on Etsy

How to Sell in Person on Etsy

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In today’s digital age, Etsy has become a powerhouse for online selling. However, many sellers are discovering the benefits of combining their online presence with in-person sales. This approach allows you to connect directly with customers, showcase your products in real-time, and potentially increase your overall sales. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore how to effectively sell in person on Etsy, from setting up your system to maximizing your success at events and markets.

Understanding Etsy’s In-Person Selling Options

Etsy offers a convenient way for sellers to process in-person sales through their integration with Square. This feature allows you to sync your Etsy inventory with Square’s point-of-sale system, making it easy to sell your products at craft fairs, markets, or even from your home studio.

Benefits of Selling in Person on Etsy

Selling in person through Etsy offers several advantages:

  • Increased visibility for your brand
  • Direct customer feedback and interaction
  • Opportunity to showcase products that may not photograph well online
  • Ability to make immediate sales without shipping delays
  • Potential to attract new customers to your online shop

Setting Up Your Etsy In-Person Selling System

To start selling in person on Etsy, you’ll need to set up your system properly. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Connect Your Etsy Shop to Square

  1. Log in to your Etsy account and go to Shop Manager
  2. Click on “Finances” and then “Payment settings”
  3. Look for the “In-person selling” section and click “Get started with Square”
  4. Follow the prompts to create a Square account or connect your existing one

Step 2: Download the Square Point of Sale App

  1. Visit your device’s app store (iOS App Store or Google Play Store)
  2. Search for “Square Point of Sale”
  3. Download and install the app on your mobile device or tablet

Step 3: Sync Your Etsy Inventory with Square

  1. Open the Square app and sign in
  2. Go to “Items” and select “Sync with Etsy”
  3. Choose which items you want to sync (you can select all or specific listings)
  4. Wait for the sync to complete

Step 4: Set Up Your Hardware

To accept payments in person, you’ll need:

  • A smartphone or tablet with the Square app installed
  • A Square card reader (available for free when you sign up)
  • Optional: A cash box for handling cash transactions

Preparing for In-Person Sales Events

Once your system is set up, it’s time to prepare for your in-person selling events. Here are some key areas to focus on:

Choosing the Right Events

Research and select events that align with your product niche. Consider:

  • Local craft fairs
  • Farmers markets
  • Pop-up shops
  • Art walks
  • Holiday markets

Look for events where your target audience is likely to attend and where your products will stand out.

Creating an Attractive Display

Your booth or table setup is crucial for attracting customers. Consider these elements:

  • Eye-catching signage with your shop name and logo
  • A cohesive color scheme that complements your products
  • Various display levels (shelves, risers) to create visual interest
  • Proper lighting to showcase your items
  • Business cards or flyers with your Etsy shop information

Pricing and Labeling

Clearly label all items with prices to make shopping easy for customers. Consider:

  • Using price tags or small signs for individual items
  • Creating a price list for frequently asked about items
  • Offering bundle deals or event-specific discounts

Inventory Management

Prepare your inventory carefully:

  • Bring a diverse selection of products
  • Pack extra inventory for popular items
  • Use a system to track what you’ve sold (Square will help with this)
  • Bring packaging materials for wrapping sold items

Conducting In-Person Sales

When it’s time to make sales, follow these best practices:

Using the Square App for Transactions

  1. Open the Square app on your device
  2. Select the items the customer wants to purchase
  3. Add any applicable taxes or discounts
  4. Choose the payment method (credit card, cash, or other)
  5. For card payments, use your Square reader to process the transaction
  6. Offer the customer a digital receipt via email or text

Handling Cash Transactions

While Square is great for card payments, you should be prepared for cash transactions:

  • Have a cash box with sufficient change
  • Count cash carefully and confirm amounts with customers
  • Enter cash sales into the Square app to keep your inventory accurate

Providing Excellent Customer Service

In-person selling is an opportunity to shine with customer service:

  • Greet customers warmly and be approachable
  • Offer product demonstrations when appropriate
  • Be knowledgeable about your products and their creation process
  • Handle questions and concerns professionally and courteously

Maximizing Your In-Person Selling Success

To make the most of your in-person selling opportunities, consider these strategies:

Offering Exclusive In-Person Deals

Create incentives for customers to buy from you at the event:

  • Event-only discounts on certain items
  • Bundle deals not available in your online shop
  • Free gift with purchase for in-person sales

Collecting Customer Information

Use in-person events to grow your customer base:

  • Offer a mailing list sign-up sheet for future promotions
  • Collect email addresses in exchange for a discount on their next online purchase
  • Hand out business cards with your Etsy shop URL and social media handles

Showcasing Your Creation Process

If possible, demonstrate how you make your products:

  • Bring tools or materials to show your crafting process
  • Create small items on-site to engage customers
  • Display “before and after” examples of your work

Leveraging Social Media

Use social media to promote your in-person selling events:

  • Announce your participation in events on all your platforms
  • Share sneak peeks of new products you’ll be selling
  • Post live updates during the event to attract last-minute visitors

Handling Post-Event Tasks

After the event, there are several important tasks to complete:

Reconciling Sales and Inventory

  1. Review all transactions in the Square app
  2. Compare your sales data with your remaining inventory
  3. Update your Etsy listings to reflect any inventory changes

Following Up with New Contacts

Reach out to new customers and contacts you made at the event:

  • Send a thank-you email to mailing list sign-ups
  • Offer a special online discount for in-person customers
  • Share photos from the event on social media and tag any new followers

Analyzing Your Performance

Evaluate your in-person selling experience:

  • Review your sales data and compare it to your online performance
  • Identify which products sold well in person versus online
  • Consider customer feedback and interactions for future product development

Overcoming Common Challenges

In-person selling can present unique challenges. Here’s how to address some common issues:

Technical Difficulties

  • Always have a backup payment method (e.g., a manual credit card imprinter)
  • Bring a portable charger for your devices
  • Know how to troubleshoot basic issues with the Square app

Weather and Environmental Factors

  • Invest in a sturdy tent or canopy for outdoor events
  • Use weighted bases to secure your displays
  • Have a plan for protecting your products from sun, wind, or rain

Dealing with Slow Periods

  • Use downtime to network with other vendors
  • Create an eye-catching activity at your booth to draw attention
  • Offer time-limited promotions to encourage sales during slow hours

Legal and Financial Considerations

When selling in person, keep these important factors in mind:

Sales Tax

  • Understand the sales tax requirements for each event location
  • Set up proper tax collection in the Square app
  • Keep accurate records of all sales and taxes collected

Business Licenses and Permits

  • Research any required permits or licenses for in-person selling in your area
  • Obtain necessary documentation before participating in events
  • Display your business license if required by local regulations


  • Consider getting event insurance to protect against liability
  • Check if your current business insurance covers in-person selling events


Selling in person on Etsy through the Square integration can be a valuable addition to your online business. It allows you to connect with customers face-to-face, showcase your products in a tangible way, and potentially boost your overall sales. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can set up your in-person selling system, prepare effectively for events, and maximize your success in this additional sales channel.

Remember that success in in-person selling often comes with experience. Each event is an opportunity to learn and refine your approach. Stay open to feedback, be willing to adapt your strategies, and always focus on providing excellent products and customer service. With time and effort, you can create a thriving in-person component to complement your Etsy online shop.

Citations: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]