How to Sell Only to US on Etsy

How to Sell Only to US on Etsy

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Etsy is a global marketplace, but sometimes sellers may want to limit their sales to just the United States. Whether it’s due to shipping constraints, legal requirements, or personal preference, focusing on the US market can simplify your Etsy business. This guide will walk you through the process of setting up your Etsy shop to sell exclusively to US customers, as well as strategies to maximize your success in the American market.

Understanding Etsy’s Policies

Before diving into the specifics of selling only to the US, it’s crucial to understand Etsy’s policies regarding seller locations and shipping.

Etsy’s Global Marketplace

Etsy is designed as a global platform, and the company generally encourages sellers to offer their products internationally. However, they do provide tools and settings that allow sellers to limit their market reach.

Seller Obligations

As an Etsy seller, you’re required to clearly communicate your shipping policies and limitations to potential buyers. This includes specifying which countries you ship to and any restrictions on your sales.

Setting Up Your Etsy Shop for US-Only Sales

Updating Your Shipping Settings

The primary way to limit your sales to the US is through your shipping settings. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Go to your Etsy Shop Manager
  2. Click on “Settings” and then “Shipping Settings”
  3. Under “Shipping profiles,” select the profile you want to edit or create a new one
  4. Remove all countries except the United States from your shipping destinations
  5. Save your changes

Creating a US-Only Shipping Profile

To ensure all your listings are set for US-only shipping:

  1. Create a new shipping profile named “US Only”
  2. Set shipping rates for the United States
  3. Remove the “Everywhere Else” option
  4. Apply this profile to all your listings

Updating Individual Listings

For each of your listings:

  1. Edit the listing
  2. In the “Shipping” section, select your US-only shipping profile
  3. Double-check that no other countries are listed
  4. Save your changes

Communicating Your US-Only Policy

Shop Announcement

Use your shop announcement to clearly state that you only ship within the United States. For example:

“Welcome to [Your Shop Name]! Please note that we currently only ship to addresses within the United States.”

Shop Policies

Update your shop policies to reflect your US-only shipping:

  1. Go to your Shop Manager
  2. Click on “Settings” and then “Policy settings”
  3. In the “Shipping policy” section, clearly state that you only ship within the US
  4. Explain any reasons for this limitation if you feel it’s necessary

Item Descriptions

Include a note in each item description reiterating your US-only shipping policy. This helps prevent confusion and reduces the likelihood of international customers attempting to purchase.

Optimizing Your Shop for US Buyers

Using US-Specific Keywords

When crafting your titles, tags, and descriptions, focus on terms and phrases commonly used by American shoppers. This can include:

  • American English spellings (e.g., “color” instead of “colour”)
  • US-specific holidays and events (e.g., Thanksgiving, Fourth of July)
  • American sizing standards for clothing or shoes

Highlighting “Made in USA” (If Applicable)

If your products are made in the United States, prominently feature this information. Many US consumers prefer to buy domestically produced goods.

Pricing in USD

Ensure all your prices are in US dollars. This is the default for US-based shops, but double-check if you’ve previously offered international shipping.

Leveraging Etsy’s Tools for US Market Success

Etsy Ads

When using Etsy Ads, you can focus your advertising budget on US shoppers:

  1. Go to your Shop Manager
  2. Click on “Marketing” and then “Etsy Ads”
  3. In your ad settings, select to show ads only to shoppers in the United States

Sales and Coupons

Create sales and coupons targeted at US holidays and shopping events:

  • Black Friday and Cyber Monday
  • Memorial Day
  • Labor Day
  • Christmas in July

Etsy Offsite Ads

While you can’t control the countries where Offsite Ads appear, limiting your shipping to the US ensures that only US-based customers can complete purchases from these ads.

Understanding the Implications of US-Only Sales

Potential Loss of International Sales

By limiting your market to the US, you’re potentially missing out on a significant portion of Etsy’s global customer base. Consider this carefully before implementing a US-only policy.

Impact on Search Visibility

Your listings may appear less frequently in search results for non-US buyers, which could affect your overall shop visibility on the platform.

Customer Expectations

US customers often expect faster shipping times and may have different expectations for customer service compared to international buyers.

Maximizing Your US Market Presence

Researching US Consumer Trends

Stay informed about trends and preferences in the US market:

  • Follow US-based influencers in your niche
  • Subscribe to industry newsletters focused on the American market
  • Analyze your competitors who sell successfully to US customers

Tailoring Your Products to US Tastes

Consider adapting your product line to appeal specifically to US consumers:

  • Offer products themed around US holidays and cultural events
  • Use color schemes popular in American design trends
  • Create products that solve problems specific to US lifestyles

Building Relationships with US Suppliers

If applicable, source materials and supplies from US-based companies. This can help with:

  • Reducing shipping costs and times for supplies
  • Appealing to customers who prefer US-made products
  • Building a network within the US craft and maker community

Providing Excellent Customer Service to US Buyers

Fast Response Times

US customers often expect quick responses to their inquiries. Aim to reply to messages within 24 hours, if not sooner.

Clear Communication

Use American English and be aware of cultural nuances in communication. Be friendly, professional, and concise in your interactions.

Prompt Shipping

With only US shipping to manage, focus on quick processing and shipping times. Consider offering expedited shipping options for customers who need items quickly.

Navigating US Regulations and Taxes

Understanding Sales Tax

As a seller shipping within the US, you may be responsible for collecting and remitting sales tax. Research the requirements for:

  • Your state of operation
  • States where you have a significant economic presence (nexus)

Consider using tax automation software to help manage these obligations.

Product Compliance

Ensure your products comply with US regulations, including:

  • Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) standards
  • Food and Drug Administration (FDA) rules for cosmetics or food items
  • Federal Trade Commission (FTC) guidelines for product descriptions and claims

Leveraging Social Media for US Market Reach

Focusing on US-Centric Platforms

While maintaining a presence on global platforms, pay special attention to social media favored by US consumers:

  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • Pinterest
  • TikTok

Timing Your Posts

Schedule your social media posts to align with US time zones, considering peak activity times for your target demographic.

Engaging with US Influencers

Collaborate with US-based influencers and bloggers to expand your reach within the American market. Look for influencers whose followers align with your target customer base.

Analyzing Your Performance in the US Market

Utilizing Etsy Analytics

Regularly review your Etsy shop statistics to understand:

  • Which products are most popular with US buyers
  • What search terms are bringing US customers to your shop
  • How your conversion rate compares to when you shipped internationally

Gathering Customer Feedback

Encourage reviews from your US customers and pay close attention to their feedback. Use this information to:

  • Improve your products
  • Enhance your customer service
  • Identify new product opportunities

Comparing with Competitors

Analyze other Etsy shops that focus on the US market:

  • How do their prices compare to yours?
  • What shipping options do they offer?
  • How do they market themselves to US customers?


Selling exclusively to the US on Etsy can streamline your business operations and allow you to focus on a specific market. By carefully setting up your shop, clearly communicating your policies, and tailoring your approach to US consumers, you can build a successful Etsy business within the American market.

Remember that limiting your sales to the US is a significant decision that should align with your overall business goals and capabilities. Regularly assess whether this strategy is working for your shop and be prepared to adapt as needed.

With attention to detail, excellent customer service, and a deep understanding of the US market, you can create a thriving Etsy shop that caters specifically to American buyers. Embrace the unique opportunities of the US market, and use the tools and strategies outlined in this guide to maximize your success on Etsy.

Citations: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]