How to Sell Pre Orders on Etsy

How to Sell Pre Orders on Etsy

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Pre-orders can be a powerful tool for Etsy sellers, allowing you to gauge interest in new products, manage inventory more effectively, and generate excitement among your customers. However, setting up and managing pre-orders on Etsy requires careful planning and execution. This guide will walk you through the process of selling pre-orders on Etsy, from understanding the platform’s policies to implementing effective marketing strategies.

Understanding Etsy’s Pre-Order Policies

Before diving into the specifics of setting up pre-orders, it’s crucial to understand Etsy’s policies regarding this type of listing:

Shipping Timeframes

Etsy requires that all items, including pre-orders, ship within 30 days of the purchase date unless otherwise specified in the listing. If your pre-order will take longer than 30 days to ship, you must clearly state this in your listing.


You must be transparent about the nature of the pre-order, including expected ship dates and any potential delays. This information should be prominently displayed in your listing description.

Production Status

Etsy prefers that items listed for pre-order are already in production. If your item is not yet in production, you should clearly communicate this to potential buyers.

Setting Up Your Pre-Order Listing

Now that you understand the basic requirements, let’s walk through the process of creating a pre-order listing on Etsy:

Step 1: Create a New Listing

Start by creating a new listing as you normally would. Choose “Add a listing” from your Shop Manager.

Step 2: Add Clear Photos

Even if your product isn’t finished, provide high-quality photos. These could include:

  • Prototypes or samples
  • Detailed sketches or renderings
  • Photos of materials or components

Step 3: Write a Detailed Description

Your description should include:

  • A clear statement that this is a pre-order
  • Expected ship date or production timeline
  • Any potential delays or uncertainties
  • Details about the final product
  • Any customization options

Step 4: Set Processing Time

Adjust your processing time to reflect the expected wait for the pre-order. Remember, if it’s longer than 30 days, you need to clearly state this in your description.

Step 5: Price Your Pre-Order

Consider offering a discount for pre-orders to incentivize early purchases. You can also use Etsy’s “Sale” feature to show the regular price alongside the discounted pre-order price.

Step 6: Use Tags and Titles Effectively

Include “pre-order” in your tags and title to ensure customers understand what they’re purchasing.

Managing Pre-Order Inventory

Inventory management is crucial when dealing with pre-orders. Here are some strategies to consider:

Limited Quantities

Consider limiting the number of pre-orders you accept. This creates scarcity and helps you manage production effectively.

Use Etsy’s Inventory Management Tools

Etsy allows you to set inventory levels for your listings. Use this feature to keep track of how many pre-orders you’ve accepted.

Regular Updates

Keep your inventory levels updated as you receive and fulfill orders. This prevents overselling and disappointed customers.

Communicating with Customers

Clear and frequent communication is key to a successful pre-order strategy:

Order Confirmation

Send a personalized message to each customer who places a pre-order, confirming their order and reiterating the expected timeline.

Progress Updates

Keep customers informed about the production process. Share photos or updates about the progress of their pre-ordered items.

Shipping Notifications

As soon as you have a firm shipping date, let your customers know. Use Etsy’s built-in messaging system to keep all communication in one place.

Handling Delays and Changes

Despite your best efforts, delays or changes may occur. Here’s how to handle them:

Be Proactive

If you anticipate a delay, inform your customers as soon as possible. Explain the reason for the delay and provide a new estimated shipping date.

Offer Options

If the delay is significant, consider offering customers the option to cancel their order for a full refund.

Update Your Listing

If the delay affects future orders, update your listing to reflect the new timeline.

Marketing Your Pre-Orders

Effective marketing can make or break your pre-order campaign. Here are some strategies to consider:

Use Social Media

Share sneak peeks, behind-the-scenes content, and countdown posts on your social media platforms to build excitement.

Email Marketing

If you have an email list, use it to announce your pre-order to your most loyal customers first.

Etsy Ads

Consider using Etsy Ads to increase visibility for your pre-order listings.

Collaborate with Influencers

Partner with influencers in your niche to promote your pre-order to a wider audience.

Fulfilling Pre-Orders

When it’s time to fulfill your pre-orders, organization is key:

Prioritize Pre-Orders

Fulfill pre-orders before any regular orders that came in later.

Quality Control

Double-check each item before shipping to ensure it meets the standards you promised in your listing.

Personal Touch

Consider including a thank you note or small gift to show appreciation for your customers’ patience.

Legal and Financial Considerations

Selling pre-orders comes with some unique legal and financial considerations:

Terms and Conditions

Clearly state your terms and conditions for pre-orders, including refund policies and what happens in case of cancellation.

Financial Planning

Be prepared to manage your cash flow carefully. You’ll be receiving payments before incurring production costs, so plan accordingly.

Tax Implications

Consult with a tax professional about how to properly account for pre-order income and expenses.

Analyzing Your Pre-Order Performance

After your pre-order campaign, take time to analyze its performance:

Sales Data

Review your sales data to understand which products were most popular and at what price points.

Customer Feedback

Gather feedback from customers about their pre-order experience. Use this to improve future campaigns.

Production Efficiency

Analyze how accurately you estimated production times and costs. Use this information to refine future pre-orders.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

When selling pre-orders on Etsy, be aware of these common mistakes:


Be realistic about production times and product features. It’s better to under-promise and over-deliver.

Neglecting Communication

Regular updates are crucial. Don’t leave your customers in the dark about the status of their order.

Ignoring Platform Rules

Make sure you’re following all of Etsy’s policies regarding pre-orders to avoid potential account issues.

Poor Inventory Management

Keep close track of your pre-orders to avoid overselling or production issues.


Selling pre-orders on Etsy can be a powerful strategy for growing your business, managing inventory, and building customer relationships. By following the guidelines in this post, you’ll be well-equipped to launch successful pre-order campaigns on Etsy.

Remember, the key to successful pre-orders lies in clear communication, realistic timelines, and delivering a high-quality product. With careful planning and execution, pre-orders can become a valuable part of your Etsy business strategy.

Whether you’re launching a new product line, managing limited-edition items, or simply trying to gauge interest in a new design, pre-orders offer a flexible and effective solution. By implementing the strategies outlined in this guide, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the art of pre-orders on Etsy.

Citations: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]