How to Sell Quilts on Etsy

How to Sell Quilts on Etsy

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Selling handmade quilts on Etsy can be a rewarding way to share your craft and earn income from your passion. However, succeeding in the competitive world of online quilt sales requires careful planning, high-quality products, and smart business strategies. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know to start and grow a successful quilt-selling business on Etsy.

Setting Up Your Etsy Shop

Choose a Memorable Shop Name

Select a unique, relevant name that reflects your brand and quilt style. Incorporate keywords like “quilt” or “handmade” to improve searchability. Avoid names that are too long or difficult to spell.

Create an Appealing Shop Banner and Icon

Design a professional, eye-catching banner that showcases your quilts. Use high-quality photos of your best work. Your shop icon should be simple yet recognizable, like your logo or a close-up of a signature quilt pattern.

Write a Compelling Shop Description

Craft a description that tells your story as a quilter and explains what makes your quilts special. Highlight your experience, inspiration, and commitment to quality. Include relevant keywords to improve your shop’s search visibility.

Set Up Shop Policies

Clearly outline your policies for shipping, returns, exchanges, and custom orders. Be thorough to avoid misunderstandings with customers. Consider offering a guarantee or warranty on your quilts to build trust.

Creating Quilt Listings

Take High-Quality Photos

Invest in good lighting and a quality camera or smartphone. Take multiple photos of each quilt, including:

  • Full view of the entire quilt
  • Close-ups of intricate details and patterns
  • Folded view to show thickness
  • Lifestyle shots of the quilt in use (on a bed, draped over a chair, etc.)
  • Scale reference (person holding the quilt or object for size comparison)

Use a plain, neutral background to make your quilts stand out. Ensure colors are accurate and true to life.

Write Detailed Descriptions

Include comprehensive information about each quilt:

  • Dimensions and size category (twin, queen, etc.)
  • Materials used (types of fabric, batting, thread)
  • Quilting technique (hand-quilted, machine-quilted, etc.)
  • Care instructions
  • Any unique features or story behind the design

Use bullet points for easy readability. Incorporate relevant keywords naturally throughout the description.

Set Competitive Prices

Research similar quilts on Etsy to gauge market prices. Factor in your costs:

  • Materials
  • Labor (calculate your hourly rate)
  • Etsy fees
  • Shipping supplies
  • Overhead costs (equipment, studio space, etc.)

Add a profit margin that reflects the quality and uniqueness of your work. Don’t undervalue your quilts – price them to reflect the time, skill, and artistry involved.

Use Relevant Tags and Categories

Choose accurate categories for your quilts. Use all 13 available tags, incorporating popular search terms and descriptive phrases. Think about what buyers might search for when looking for a quilt like yours.

Marketing Your Etsy Quilt Shop

Optimize for Etsy Search

Use relevant keywords in your titles, tags, and descriptions. Focus on long-tail keywords that describe your quilts’ unique features. Update your listings regularly to stay fresh in search results.

Offer Excellent Customer Service

Respond promptly to messages and inquiries. Be friendly, professional, and helpful. Go above and beyond to ensure customer satisfaction, as positive reviews are crucial for success on Etsy.

Utilize Social Media

Create accounts on platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook to showcase your quilts. Share behind-the-scenes content of your quilting process. Use relevant hashtags to reach potential customers interested in handmade quilts.

Join Etsy Teams

Participate in Etsy teams related to quilting and handmade goods. Collaborate with other sellers, share tips, and potentially cross-promote each other’s shops.

Consider Paid Advertising

Experiment with Etsy ads to boost visibility for your quilts. Start with a small budget and track your return on investment. Focus on your best-selling items or seasonal quilts during peak shopping periods.

Expanding Your Quilt Offerings

Diversify Your Product Range

In addition to full-size quilts, consider offering:

  • Baby quilts and crib quilts
  • Lap quilts and throw blankets
  • Quilted wall hangings
  • Quilted pillows and cushion covers
  • Table runners and placemats

This diversity can attract a wider range of customers and provide options at different price points.

Offer Custom Orders

Allow customers to request custom quilts. Clearly outline your process for custom orders, including:

  • Design consultation
  • Fabric selection
  • Pricing structure
  • Timeline for completion
  • Any limitations or restrictions

Custom orders can lead to higher-priced sales and repeat customers.

Create Seasonal Collections

Design quilts for specific seasons or holidays. Launch these collections well in advance (e.g., winter quilts in early fall) to capture early shoppers. Use Etsy’s scheduling feature to plan your releases.

Managing Your Quilt Business

Stay Organized

Keep detailed records of your inventory, sales, expenses, and customer information. Use spreadsheets or accounting software to track your finances. Stay on top of your taxes and consider consulting with an accountant familiar with small creative businesses.

Manage Your Time Effectively

Create a production schedule to balance quiltmaking with other business tasks. Set aside time for marketing, customer service, and shop maintenance. Consider batch-producing certain quilt components to increase efficiency.

Continually Improve Your Skills

Stay updated on quilting trends and techniques. Attend workshops or online classes to expand your skillset. Experiment with new patterns, fabrics, or quilting methods to keep your offerings fresh and exciting.

Build Relationships with Suppliers

Develop good relationships with fabric suppliers and notions vendors. Buying in bulk or becoming a preferred customer can help reduce your material costs over time.

Shipping and Packaging

Choose Appropriate Packaging

Invest in sturdy boxes or mailers that will protect your quilts during shipping. Consider eco-friendly packaging options to appeal to environmentally conscious customers. Include care instructions and a personal thank-you note with each order.

Offer Multiple Shipping Options

Provide both standard and expedited shipping choices. Be clear about processing times and expected delivery dates. Consider offering free shipping on higher-priced quilts to encourage sales.

Insure Valuable Shipments

Purchase shipping insurance for expensive quilts to protect yourself against loss or damage during transit. Factor this cost into your pricing or shipping fees.

Growing Your Etsy Quilt Business

Encourage Reviews

Follow up with customers after their purchase to ensure satisfaction and gently encourage them to leave a review. Positive reviews build trust with potential buyers and improve your shop’s visibility on Etsy.

Implement a Loyalty Program

Consider offering repeat customers special discounts or early access to new quilt designs. This can encourage customer loyalty and word-of-mouth referrals.

Collaborate with Other Creators

Partner with complementary Etsy sellers (e.g., pillow makers, bedding designers) for cross-promotions or bundled offerings. This can expose your quilts to new audiences.

Participate in Etsy Sales and Promotions

Take advantage of Etsy-wide sales events like Cyber Week. Offer special discounts or free gifts with purchase during these periods to attract bargain-hunting shoppers.

Expand Beyond Etsy

As your business grows, consider expanding to your own website or other marketplaces. Use your Etsy success as a springboard to wholesale opportunities or craft fairs.

Overcoming Challenges

Dealing with Slow Periods

Quilts often have seasonal demand. Use slower periods to build up inventory, develop new designs, or focus on marketing efforts. Consider offering quilt-related products with year-round appeal to balance out seasonal fluctuations.

Handling Negative Feedback

Address any negative reviews promptly and professionally. Offer solutions to resolve customer issues. Use constructive criticism as an opportunity to improve your products or processes.

Staying Motivated

Running a quilt business can be demanding. Set realistic goals and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. Connect with other quilt makers for support and inspiration. Remember why you started your quilt business and let that passion drive you forward.


Selling quilts on Etsy can be a fulfilling way to share your craft with the world while building a sustainable business. Success requires a combination of quilting skill, business acumen, and dedication to customer satisfaction. By following these guidelines and continually refining your approach, you can create a thriving Etsy shop that showcases your beautiful handmade quilts to appreciative customers around the globe. Remember, building a successful quilt business takes time, so be patient, persistent, and always strive to improve both your quilts and your business practices.

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