How to Sell Self Published Books on Etsy

How to Sell Self Published Books on Etsy

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Etsy has become a popular platform for artisans and creators to sell their handmade goods, but it’s also an excellent marketplace for self-published authors to reach new readers. With over 81 million active buyers, Etsy offers a unique opportunity to showcase and sell your books to a diverse audience. This guide will walk you through the process of setting up your Etsy shop, creating compelling listings, and marketing your self-published books effectively on the platform.

Setting Up Your Etsy Shop

Choose a Memorable Shop Name

Select a name that reflects your brand as an author and the genre of books you write. Incorporate keywords like “books,” “self-published,” or your genre (e.g., “mystery,” “romance”) to improve searchability. Ensure the name is available as a .com domain for future expansion.

Create an Eye-Catching Shop Banner and Icon

Design a professional banner that showcases your books and author brand. Use a simple, recognizable icon that looks good at small sizes. Maintain consistent branding across all visuals.

Write a Compelling Shop Description

Tell your story as an author. Explain your writing journey, the genres you cover, and what makes your books unique. Include keywords naturally to improve your shop’s search ranking.

Set Up Shop Policies

Clearly outline your policies for:

  • Shipping (timeframes, carriers used, international options)
  • Returns and exchanges
  • Custom orders (e.g., signed copies)
  • Payment methods accepted

Be thorough to avoid misunderstandings with customers.

Creating Book Listings

Take High-Quality Photos

Invest in professional-looking photos of your books. Include:

  • Front cover shots
  • Back cover shots
  • Spine views
  • Open book displays
  • Lifestyle shots (e.g., book on a cozy reading nook)
  • Scale reference (book next to common objects for size comparison)

Use natural lighting and ensure colors are accurate. Consider creating 3D mockups for digital products like ebooks.

Write Detailed Descriptions


  • Book title and subtitle
  • Genre and themes
  • Brief synopsis (without spoilers)
  • Page count and dimensions
  • ISBN (if applicable)
  • Publication date
  • Awards or accolades
  • Target audience
  • Unique selling points

Use Keyword-Rich Titles

Incorporate relevant search terms like:

  • Book title
  • Genre
  • Format (paperback, hardcover, ebook)
  • Key themes or settings

Example: “The Lost City: A Thrilling Adventure Novel – Signed Paperback”

Price Competitively

Research similar books on Etsy and other platforms to gauge market rates. Factor in:

  • Production costs
  • Etsy fees and payment processing costs
  • Desired profit margin
  • Perceived value of signed or special edition copies

Consider offering different price points for standard and signed copies.

Offer Variations

If applicable, offer different formats (e.g., paperback, hardcover, ebook) or special editions (signed, personalized dedication) as variations within the same listing.

Use All Available Tags

Utilize all 13 tags Etsy allows. Include a mix of broad and specific terms to improve searchability. Examples:

  • Self-published book
  • [Your genre] novel
  • Indie author
  • Signed copy
  • [Key themes or settings]
  • [Target audience, e.g., “YA readers”]

Shipping Your Books

Determine Shipping Methods

Options include:

  • USPS Media Mail (cost-effective for books within the US)
  • First Class or Priority Mail for faster delivery
  • International shipping options

Research costs and reliability for each option.

Package Carefully

Invest in quality packaging materials:

  • Bubble mailers or sturdy boxes
  • Bubble wrap or air pillows for protection
  • Clear plastic sleeves to protect covers

Consider eco-friendly packaging options to appeal to environmentally conscious customers.

Set Realistic Shipping Prices

Weigh your books accurately and use Etsy’s calculated shipping tool. Consider offering free shipping on higher-priced items and building the cost into your prices.

Insure Valuable Shipments

Purchase shipping insurance for expensive or rare editions. Factor this cost into your pricing or shipping fees.

Marketing Your Books on Etsy

Optimize for Etsy Search

Use relevant keywords in titles, tags, and descriptions. Keep your shop active by adding new listings or updating existing ones regularly.

Utilize Social Media

Create accounts on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to showcase your books and author brand. Share excerpts, behind-the-scenes content, and reader reviews. Use relevant hashtags to reach potential customers.

Encourage Reviews

Follow up with customers after their purchase to ensure satisfaction. Politely request reviews, which can significantly boost your shop’s credibility and visibility.

Offer Excellent Customer Service

Respond promptly to messages and inquiries. Be friendly, professional, and helpful. Going above and beyond can lead to repeat customers and positive word-of-mouth.

Consider Paid Advertising

Experiment with Etsy ads to boost visibility for your best-selling books. Start with a small budget and track your return on investment.

Expanding Your Book Offerings

Diversify Your Product Range

In addition to your main books, consider offering:

  • Short stories or novellas
  • Limited edition or collector’s versions
  • Book-related merchandise (bookmarks, tote bags, prints of cover art)
  • Digital products (ebooks, audiobooks)

This diversity can attract a wider range of customers and provide options at different price points.

Offer Bundles and Sets

Create book bundles (e.g., complete series sets) or themed collections to encourage larger purchases.

Seasonal and Holiday Promotions

Create special listings or promotions for relevant holidays or seasons. For example, romance novels for Valentine’s Day or spooky stories for Halloween.

Collaborate with Other Etsy Sellers

Partner with complementary sellers (e.g., bookmark makers, candle crafters) for cross-promotions or bundled offerings. This can expose your books to new audiences.

Managing Your Etsy Bookshop

Stay Organized

Keep detailed records of your inventory, sales, expenses, and customer information. Use spreadsheets or accounting software to track your finances. Stay on top of your taxes and consider consulting with an accountant familiar with self-publishing businesses.

Manage Your Time Effectively

Create a schedule to balance writing new books with managing your Etsy shop. Set aside time for marketing, customer service, and shop maintenance.

Continually Improve Your Offerings

Stay updated on book market trends and reader preferences. Consider expanding into new genres or formats based on customer feedback and sales data.

Build Relationships with Readers

Engage with your customers through Etsy messages and social media. Consider creating a mailing list to keep readers informed about new releases and promotions.

Overcoming Challenges

Dealing with Slow Periods

Book sales can be seasonal. Use slower periods to write new material, update your listings, or focus on marketing efforts. Consider offering book-related products with year-round appeal to balance out seasonal fluctuations.

Handling Negative Feedback

Address any negative reviews promptly and professionally. Offer solutions to resolve customer issues. Use constructive criticism as an opportunity to improve your books or services.

Standing Out in a Crowded Market

Differentiate your books through unique cover designs, compelling descriptions, and excellent customer service. Consider niche genres or themes that aren’t oversaturated on Etsy.

Balancing Writing and Business

Running an Etsy shop can be time-consuming. Set realistic goals for both your writing and your shop management. Consider outsourcing tasks like social media management or bookkeeping if needed.


Selling self-published books on Etsy can be a rewarding way to reach new readers and build your author brand. Success requires a combination of writing skill, business acumen, and dedication to customer satisfaction. By following these guidelines and continually refining your approach, you can create a thriving Etsy bookshop that showcases your literary creations to appreciative readers worldwide.

Remember, building a successful book business takes time, so be patient, persistent, and always strive to improve both your writing and your business practices. With dedication and the right strategies, Etsy can become a valuable platform for your self-publishing journey, connecting your books with readers who will cherish them.

Citations: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]