How to Sell in Person on Etsy With Cash

How to Sell in Person on Etsy With Cash

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In today’s digital age, online marketplaces like Etsy have revolutionized the way artisans and crafters sell their products. However, many sellers are discovering the benefits of combining their online presence with in-person sales opportunities, including accepting cash payments. This comprehensive guide will walk you through every step of using Etsy to sell in person with cash, from setting up your mobile point of sale to maximizing your sales at events and markets.

Understanding Etsy’s In-Person Selling Features

Etsy offers tools that allow sellers to take their virtual shops into the physical world. While the platform primarily focuses on digital transactions, it does provide options for in-person selling, including cash transactions. Here’s what you need to know:

Etsy’s Square Integration

Etsy has partnered with Square to provide a seamless solution for in-person selling. While this integration is primarily designed for credit card transactions, it also allows you to record cash sales, ensuring all your transactions are properly tracked in your Etsy shop.

Benefits of Using Etsy for In-Person Cash Sales

  • Syncs inventory between online and offline sales
  • Helps maintain accurate records for tax purposes
  • Allows you to offer a consistent experience for customers across all sales channels

Setting Up Your Etsy Shop for In-Person Sales

Before you can start selling in person with cash, you need to properly set up your Etsy shop. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Enable In-Person Selling

  1. Log into your Etsy account
  2. Go to Shop Manager
  3. Click on “Finances”
  4. Select “In-person selling”
  5. Follow the prompts to enable this feature

Set Up Square Integration

Even if you plan to primarily accept cash, setting up Square integration can be beneficial:

  1. Sign up for a Square account if you don’t have one
  2. In your Etsy Shop Manager, go to “In-person selling”
  3. Click on “Connect with Square”
  4. Follow the prompts to link your accounts

Preparing Your Inventory for In-Person Sales

Before attending an event or market, ensure your inventory is properly set up:

Sync Your Online Listings

  1. In the Etsy app, go to “Sell in Person”
  2. Tap “Sync Listings”
  3. Wait for your online listings to appear in the app

Add Offline-Only Items

For products you only sell in person:

  1. Tap “Add Item” in the “Sell in Person” section
  2. Enter the item details, including name, price, and quantity
  3. Save the new listing

Update Quantities

Ensure your inventory counts are accurate:

  1. Go to “Manage Inventory” in the app
  2. Update the quantities for each item you’ll be selling

Setting Up Your Physical Space

Creating an attractive and functional space is crucial for in-person sales:

Display Your Products

  • Use eye-catching displays that showcase your products effectively
  • Arrange items at various heights to create visual interest
  • Ensure proper lighting to highlight your products

Create Signage

  • Design clear, readable signs with your shop name and logo
  • Include pricing information for easy customer reference
  • Consider creating a banner or backdrop with your branding

Organize Your Cash Handling Area

  • Set up a dedicated space for processing cash transactions
  • Use a secure cash box or money belt to store cash
  • Have a system for providing change and receipts

Processing Cash Sales with Etsy

When a customer is ready to make a cash purchase, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Etsy Seller app on your mobile device
  2. Go to the “Sell in Person” section
  3. Tap “New Sale”
  4. Add items to the cart by selecting from your inventory list
  5. Review the order with the customer
  6. Select “Cash” as the payment method
  7. Enter the amount of cash received
  8. Complete the transaction and offer a receipt if desired

Managing Cash During Events

Proper cash management is crucial for in-person selling:

Cash Handling Best Practices

  • Start with a predetermined amount of change
  • Regularly count your cash and reconcile with sales
  • Keep large bills separate and secure
  • Consider using counterfeit detection tools for large bills

End-of-Day Reconciliation

  • Count your total cash and compare it to recorded sales
  • Note any discrepancies and investigate if necessary
  • Deposit cash in a secure location or bank as soon as possible

Handling Customer Interactions

In-person sales provide a unique opportunity to engage with customers directly:

Provide Product Information

  • Be prepared to answer questions about your products’ materials, creation process, and care instructions
  • Share the story behind your creations to create a personal connection

Offer Customization Options

  • Discuss customization options with customers
  • Use the Etsy app to create custom orders on the spot

Collect Customer Information

  • Ask customers if they’d like to join your mailing list for future updates and promotions
  • Use the app to note any special requests or follow-up actions

Maximizing Sales at Events

To make the most of your in-person selling opportunities:

Offer Cash Discounts

  • Consider offering a small discount for cash payments to encourage this method
  • Clearly communicate any cash discounts to potential customers

Bundle Deals

  • Create special bundle offers that are only available for in-person purchases
  • Use attractive signage to highlight these deals

Limited Time Offers

  • Create a sense of urgency with time-limited promotions during the event
  • Use the Etsy app to quickly adjust prices for flash sales

Analyzing Your In-Person Sales Performance

After each event, review your performance to improve future sales:

Check Sales Reports

  1. In the Etsy app, go to “Sales Reports” under “Sell in Person”
  2. Review your total sales, number of transactions, and top-selling items
  3. Note the proportion of cash sales to credit card transactions

Compare Online and Offline Sales

  • Use Etsy’s analytics to compare your in-person cash sales with your online performance
  • Identify which products perform better in each channel

Gather Customer Feedback

  • Make notes about customer preferences and comments
  • Use this information to refine your product offerings and marketing strategies

Integrating Online and Offline Sales Strategies

To create a cohesive selling experience:


  • Display your Etsy shop URL prominently at your in-person events
  • Encourage online customers to visit you at upcoming markets or fairs

Consistent Pricing

  • Ensure your in-person cash prices align with your online prices
  • If offering cash discounts, clearly communicate this policy

Follow-Up Marketing

  • Use customer information collected at events to send targeted online promotions
  • Share photos and stories from in-person events on your Etsy shop and social media

Legal and Tax Considerations

Remember to address the legal aspects of in-person cash selling:

Permits and Licenses

  • Research and obtain any necessary permits for selling at events or markets
  • Keep copies of your permits on hand during events

Sales Tax

  • Understand your obligations for collecting and remitting sales tax for in-person cash transactions
  • Consider using a sales tax calculator to ensure accurate collection

Record Keeping

  • Keep detailed records of all cash transactions
  • Consider using a separate ledger for cash sales to simplify accounting

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Be prepared to handle potential problems:

Cash Handling Errors

  • Have a clear process for correcting mistakes in cash transactions
  • Consider using a calculator to double-check calculations

Security Concerns

  • Be aware of your surroundings and keep cash secure at all times
  • Consider hiring help for busy events to ensure someone is always watching the cash box

Inventory Discrepancies

  • Regularly reconcile your physical inventory with the app’s records
  • Have a process for handling discrepancies discovered during an event

Enhancing the Customer Experience

Creating a positive experience for cash-paying customers can lead to repeat business:


  • Offer attractive packaging options for in-person purchases
  • Consider having gift wrapping available for an additional fee

Loyalty Programs

  • Implement a punch card or loyalty program for in-person customers
  • Use the Etsy app to track customer purchases and rewards

Product Demonstrations

  • Showcase how your products work or are used
  • Allow customers to interact with your items when appropriate

Scaling Your In-Person Cash Sales

As your in-person selling success grows, consider these strategies:

Expand to More Events

  • Research and apply to participate in larger craft fairs or markets
  • Consider setting up a regular booth at local farmer’s markets

Hire Assistance

  • Train helpers to process cash transactions and interact with customers
  • Ensure all team members are familiar with your products and policies

Invest in Equipment

  • Consider purchasing a point-of-sale system that integrates with Etsy for easier cash handling
  • Invest in high-quality displays and signage to enhance your booth’s appearance


Selling in person on Etsy with cash offers a unique opportunity to connect with customers and expand your business beyond the digital realm. By following this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to handle cash transactions, manage your inventory, and create a seamless integration between your online and offline presence.

Remember, success in in-person selling comes with practice and experience. Each event is an opportunity to learn and refine your approach. Stay open to feedback, continuously improve your product offerings, and leverage the power of Etsy’s tools to streamline your operations. With dedication and the right strategies, you can create a thriving business that bridges the digital and physical realms of commerce, offering your customers the flexibility to purchase your unique creations through their preferred payment method, including cash.

Citations: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]