Pulling Email Addresses from Etsy

Etsy is not only an excellent marketplace for selling unique items and vintage goods; it’s also a community of people that share a passion for beautiful items.  The platform is growing at a fast pace—it reached 4.3 million sellers in 2020, compared to 2.6 million sellers in 2019. That’s why it’s very disappointing that Etsy … Read more

Etsy Email Extractor

Etsy sellers that struggle to build their email list have the option to use an Etsy email extractor to pull out customers’ emails manually. This is a free tool that you can use anytime to download some emails from your order pages. All you need to do is copy the HTML code from your order … Read more

Download Etsy Customer Emails

Why is email still relevant amidst all the variety of social media platforms that are continually on the rise today? It allows you to send a direct message to customers and build a more personalized relationship with them. Email marketing can help Etsy sellers foster an ongoing relationship with customers, enhance communication, and ultimately increase … Read more

Export Etsy Customer Emails

How many times have you been advised “to build your email list”? While this is good advice, it doesn’t take into account that Etsy makes it hard for sellers to get their customers’ emails.  In fact, the platform lacks email marketing features and doesn’t allow owners to collect their emails in any other way but … Read more

How to Download Etsy Customer Emails

First off, Etsy doesn’t include emails in their built in customer export csv. But don’t worry, there are a few different ways to download your Etsy customer emails. We provided a list below on how to download Etsy customer emails. Marketsy Email extractor from HTML One-by-one Each require their own amount of resources. Marketsy is … Read more

Etsy Email Downloader

With over 39.4 active million buyers worldwide, Etsy is, without a doubt, a great platform to promote your unique products, vintage pieces, and handmade items. However, Etsy’s features leave a lot to be desired. The main complaint that shop owners have is that the platform doesn’t incorporate email marketing and this definitely has a big … Read more